Expired Peanuts
Today, I was kinda annoyed with my MIL. I went back home for lunch and found packets of MAS peanuts on the dining table. To my surprised, it was all expired (27/02/2006). My daughter came to the kitchen and I told her not to eat those peanuts coz' it's expired. Ruby told me that her grandma (my MIL) said each of the get a packet each. I was so shocked that she actually ask her grandchildren and children to eat those expired peanuts. What kind of grandma/mother/MIL is this.Worse still, my SIL who's pregnant had 2 packets of those expired peanuts. Don't tell me she's so silly to eat those expired peanuts when she knows it's expired.
She should be throwing those peanuts away instead of giving it to the grandchildren and children to eat. I don't care whether she hate me or not but went and told her that those peanuts has already expired and it's not good to eat. It will lead to food poisoning. She answered me that the peanuts are still hard and can be eaten. I just told her to throw it away as it is bad for health.
I do hope she don't feed my son and daughter when I came back to the office. I am sick and tired of her attitude. I told hubby about it and he just shook his head. I even told him to go and have a look later and tell his mom off if the peanuts are still on the dining table.
Wow expired for more than one year is really long. If you say expired few days one few weeks still okay because products have an extra one month shelf life from the date of expiry.
wah so teruk lehh...
Alamak! Expired also give, but then again old folks are like that la...
As what Sue said, old folks are like dat. They just feel dat the things will go to waste, so might as well finish them off.
Ur hubby should have told his mom not to give the expired peanuts to ur kids instead of just shaking his head, for the kids' sake.
Sab, u've to bear with whatever when staying with ur MIL. I fully understand how u feel. U have to discuss with ur hubby about ur problems and I hope he'll understand. I'm sure he's having a hard time being in the middle too.
Dear all:
I guess being away for work over the weekend makes me feel a little better now.
Tracy: Hubby is just sick and tired of telling his mom already. He too cannot stand her character.
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anonymous comments
Q? Is it bad to eat expired peanuts?
A! Eating expired peanuts does not usually cause any health concerns although they might taste a little funny.
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